

  • Way to go! I also met my first mini-goal today...5 days ahead of my goal date! Keep up the great work!
  • I am also doing Zumba once a week at a "local" (20 min away) community center. This was my 2nd week and I felt like I was able to do a lot more this time. I was kinda lost the first week, but still was sweating after about 15 min. The 60 min class seems to fly away and I take the class with a friend who's 15 yr older but…
  • Hi Everyone...I am a newbie to C25K. I had actually downloaded it from Itunes about 6 months ago, but couldn't commit. I am now on week 2 day 2. I run at the local park on a walking/running trail that is great with hills, but I think the concrete trail is killing my knees. I have NEVER run before (my motto had always been…