

  • Good Morning Everyone! Dad's surgery went well. Much better than round one a month ago. There have been some complications since but we are on a day by day wait and see plan with him. The nice thing is that he is not in much pain and is coherent so we are able to have good visits with him AND no one has to stay overnight!…
  • Well today just went to heck in a handbasket. Just to catch everyone dad had spinal surgery on April 13th, then contracted pneumonia and an UTI and ended up in the hospital for almost a month. And of course when he got home he had OT, PT, and a nurse three days a week and had just gotten back on his feet and using…
  • Well I already busted and finished off the package of Fig Newtons. But... I refuse to eat anything else while I'm here! :ohwell: Katie - whoa! 5 kittens! That makes for an eventful evening. I'm impressed with your 9 mile bike ride. My husband told me 2 days ago that he fixed the handlebar grips on my bike so perhaps in the…
  • Woohoo, Michelle! We are birthday buddies! :) I refuse to go to SAMS on Saturdays when the samples are out in force. It's just too dangerous. :) Stacey - good luck with the move, even if it is in the same town it is a BIG job. Good luck with getting all your water in today. I know you can do it! Lost another lb today!…
  • Thanks for the exercise suggestions. I work from home with both my boys here as well so my day can get out of control really quickly. My 2 SIL's and I are trying to work around our kids and work schedules and work out at least 3 x's a week. Tonight we went to the local lake and walked all the way around pushing our double…
  • Good Morning everyone! Today is a great day - mainly b/c I stepped on the scale and two lbs didn't step on with me! Woot! Woot! Now the trick is to not gain it all back next week. :) Does anyone have any ideas on how to best schedule working out into a schedule full of insanity (and two small children)? I'm am a very…
  • Hello everyone. I'm a WAHM but I thought I'd try to wiggle my way into this group. :smile: I have two boys ages 2 and 3 who have graced me with all the baby weight from both pregnancies that I'm still fighting with. I'm tired of fighting the same 5 lbs over and over again. Hopefully if I can be consistent and distract…
  • I totally understand the evils of the hospital. I had lost 4.5 lbs and then was with my dad for almost 4 weeks at the hospital and then rehab. I gained every lb back and then some I believe. I am hoping that now that I am back in my normal routine that I can get back on track and really think about preparing myself for…