

  • Hi Kelly, Definitely get advice from your doctor first as most have suggested- everyone's asthma and environment (outside and inside) are different. I too have chronic asthma and allergies- amazingly I do better "off" meds, inhalers, steroids, and injections but I don't advise that for everyone- that is just me! As for…
  • Oh goodness, good luck with everything! Because I have so many allergies (including to food), at one point in my life they thought that I also had celiac- due to opposite (I gained 35 pounds on two separate occasions between 1-3 mths each time). Going on a gluten-free diet for a month was extremely hard- it is amazing how…
  • That's awesome Tonia! We have similar goals, when I reach my goal- I am going to get another tattoo too! Good luck with everything!!!