BmiChallenged Member


  • Hi, Scschenk! Your "challenge" sounds perfect for me...something I can actually do 3 mornings a week. And I like that I don't need anything to do it except motivation. (Don't worry...I'm motivated enough.) I'll give you a shout after 6 weeks and tell you how it went. Thanks for your help. Your awesome!
  • Hi, Alicebud. Re: stuck at a desk job....whatever happened to the idea of sitting on an exercise ball at your desk? Supposedly, it burns more calories than a chair and it tones, you, too. Did anyone ever try it and/or do they still do it? (I always wanted to try sounds like alot of fun, too.) :smile:
  • Thanks, tych0. Ballroom dancing....sounds like my dream come true. I would do it in a second...its just that I am out in the "booneys" and I, seriously, do work from waking to sleep. I am trying to sell my business so that I can have time to do something as wonderful as Ballroom dancing. And trust me, its on my list of…
  • Thanks, Spicypepper. I agree that I need to find time to work out and yes, I know that it will make a difference in weight loss. I have been stuck at the same weight, give or take 2lbs, seems. Time to roll up my sleeves and get to work. Luv your username, too.