

  • Well, I made it to friday...only weighing in on Friday well for me. Im seeing gradual weight loss, would like to see more dramatic results, but i'll take what i can!
  • D3 of wk 1 today...feeling pretty good, and excited for my weekly friday morning weigh in. I have to try really hard to not weigh myself every morning!
  • Happy Valentines Day!!! What a terrible day to be on a diet! I work in a childcare center and have gotten sooooooo many treats from kids, as well as some mom volunteers that pass out cupcakes, cookies, and hot chocolate for us every year. I did not abstain from treats altogether, but didnt go overboard, and did count…
  • Hey everyone. New to this thread, but just started Ripped in 30 2 days ago. I also have Jillians book "making the cut". Im excited and hope to see results soon!!!!
  • Hi, pretty new here I guess...looking to loose "baby weight"! It really is baby weight though...I was/am pretty healthy and before baby (Reilly, she is 15 months) I was 135lbs @ 5'5. I gained 45lbs with my pregnancy :( I have lost 37 of that 45. but would also like to loose an additional 5lbs and get to 130lb. I don't like…
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