unpunishable Member


  • you have to work hard on your bum, say, squatting with heavy weights. Otherwise yep, it only gets smaller as you lose bf% 'cause we all have a massive amount of fat down there. If you don't focus on glutes, you risk losing your booty! JK, of course, but still. You've got to fight for it to grow, your glutes are currently…
  • I consider 88 to be okay - if it's natural and the girl is petite, but! Unfortunately I took a look at the diary and saw... 430 calories a day? Vinegar, vinegar, vinegar every day? But why? I just don't get it.
  • It depends on what you eat even more than on how much you eat. Do you mind opening your diary so that people could see it? You should also see a doctor because that might be something with your hormones. Too little info to help!
  • 2 ys ago I started losing weight when my dietician advised to walk fast on a treadmill at least 40 minutes 3 times a week (at least as well!). I lost 12 kilos within a couple of month (at the beginning I was 62 kilos). After a year or so, I guess, I was a bit bored by the treadmill and switched onto the elliptical. That…