very pretty
when I was younger ppl would say I looked like Paula Abdul..
Im watching the Voice
pretty face
Tampa, FL
well Im not sure if its like that for everybody but Ive been eating healthy as well lots of chicken and fish. well last weekend went to a bbq and had a ribeye and I paid for it big time. I was so sick .
Shaft The Snapper Double Teamed
I crave anything sweet ..but during I have no app at all
steve and jack
Megan fox
no. .love the hair
Tampa <--
First. Vanilla Ice Last. Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.. oh wait I forgot I seen Barenaked Ladies and O.A.R in Fort Lauderdale For Super Bowl saturday night.
Although people say I look younger I would have to say I look as old as I am..I am 33 although people say I look younger.
Tampa Bay Bucs..
Cheesecake, pizza hut and Hooters hot wings..Great now I'm hungry
I read this earlier..It almost brought me to tears. that poor little girl died over a candy bar..that sweet little girl was robbed of her life..Im so disgusted. I have a daughter thats 10 and thats going way to far...very sad..they need to be punished to the max.
I get like that a week before mine starts every month. I crave anything sweet. but oddly enough as soon as I start I actually have no appetite what so ever..
I HATE SPAM...Wait does anyone actually like that stuff ?
1ST - Dirty Dancing 2ND- Pretty Woman 3RD- E.T
I really dislike the whole red team
Just Dance 2 and 3 is what I use and I love them...