

  • BUMP, BUMP BUMP!!! You go!!!! What did you do? I have been doing TurboFire and am loosing steady weight.. My husband has been cutting back and looking for inspiration? Again, What did YOU do?
  • Hey Lindsaylou98! Exercise is the key to your breakthrough.. Watching what I eat (calorie intake). I don't have a problem working out. Try TurboFire when you are READY to shed some real weight. That is what I am doing. I lost 2 and 3/4 pounds this week from simply combining the two (exercise 6 days a week using the…
  • Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and is excited to be a part of it. I have lost 13 pounds since March 2011. I started TurboJam 2 weeks ago, loosing 5 pounds so far, totalling 18 pounds!!! I'd like to loose 15 more pounds. Some motivating friends would be wonderful!!!
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