

  • Hi Melissa! I'm a newbie like you too! Just 5 days new. I haven't lost anything as yet, but still feel so much better and in control when I jot down what I've eaten. Good luck t'you! Padders
    in I'm a newbie Comment by padders May 2010
  • Thanks! Been going thru the queries, and must say a lotta my doubts and fears have been answered! (:tongue: Not lost anything so far, but am feeling really in control writing down my diary!:: :smile: Hope I make it thru this week!
  • Hey there! I also just joined this group and today's my 2nd day. I'm 52 years old and have been on and off diets for mosta my life. Hope this one helps! So far I'm quite enjoying keeping track of my progess and logging in my food and exercise. Anyways, besta luck with your weight loss! Padders
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