

  • I'd focus less on the sugar, and more on the fact that you're filling your body with energy-giving whole-foods in that powerhouse smoothie! Granted bananas do have a lot of sugar, but in place of a processed, high sugar cereal, bar or instant oatmeal you're gonna feel great! Plus you're getting lots of fiber with it. My…
  • While there are tons of vegan/vegetarian cookbooks out there I'mn currently hooked on Peas and Thank You, every single thing I have tried has been excellent, even husband-approved. I've also tried Vegan with a Vengeance, and she has a website called Post Punk Kitchen. all time favorite, easy veg recipe: "Very Simple Dal…
  • I secnd Bullet1, Chipotle has great salads that you can load up with brown rice, black beans and veggies (I go vegetarian with the grilled peppers/onions). More pricey than subway, but way more flavor!
  • From my understanding your body cannot readily use them (or rather their nutrients) in their whole form. I usually use Flax Meal (ground flax seeds) in many of my recipes. The book "Peas and Thank You" is a great vegan cookbook and she incorporates them into many of her dishes. I also like to add chia, which unlike flax…
  • The "Couch to 5K" program is great! I did it a few years ago, but never quite finished it :( It used to be free, but I think they charge for it now, boo. But I am not much of a runner and even I could handle the progressive schedule.
  • Exactly, after you have suffered through bootcamp everything seems easy. It really changes your mental and physical definition of a workout. It's like you are hating life for that 1 hour, but afterwards you feel SO good, so empowered and so healthy! The one I took was near the PV mall area, 6 weeks long, 2x a week and runs…
  • I have either a toasted "Bagel Brothers" Cinn-raisin-nut Bagel Bar (from Costco) with 2 tsp of Smart Balance Light AND a Go-gurt =316cal and 10g protein Or a smoothie made with: 1/4 cup OJ 1/2 cup skim milk (I sometimes freeze some milk in ice cube trays and use half frozen, half fresh) a few fresh-frozen strawberries 1…
  • Congrats! WTG!
  • Hi from Phx as well! This site is a great resource for keeping track of what you eat! Knowing is half the battle right? I am a new mom who is taking a bootcamp fitness class. It is intense, but I am hoping to lose lb and inches! I have been using MFP for about a year or so.