

  • Oh, and also thanks - he's 7 months old!
  • Funny you say this, I keep lots of bags of steam fresh veggies in my freezer (esp the cauliflower, love it!)... try to add them to every dinner, so I can keep eating. But love the bed of lettuce idea!!! I'm definitely going to use that, the crunch of lettuce is very satisfying and low on cals. Thanks :)
  • Yes, I think you are right that this is going to be the key!!! I've done a lot of reflection on my eating habits, and portion control is definitely what I'm lacking!
  • Actually, my doctor instructed me to continue my exercise routine, which is 4 - 5 days a week for up to an hour on the treadmill currently. This medication isn't supposed to be used as a substitute for exercise, but rather as a short term addition to a diet an exercise routine. I spoke with the pharmacist, and she also…
  • Thank you very, very much for your comment! I'm feeling really conflicted, but I do think it's a good fit for me for the short term to help with eating habit changes. My doctor also originally was against it, but after hearing me out, agreed that it would be a good fit... like you said, I'm not looking at this as a magic…