dreambig_gohome Member


  • I live in the Midwest, so my options are limited unless I want to do some serious traveling. I bounce between Mad River Mountain [http://www.skimadriver.com/] in Ohio and Perfect North Slopes [http://www.perfectnorth.com/index.php] in Indiana but may be planning a trip in early March to Caberfae Peaks…
  • My first actual day of the season was a complete and utter washout...We had rain until about 5p.m. and 55 degrees....but the rail jam still went down despite sinking 3 inches in the slush. But hey, anything for a good run, right? My second day this past Saturday was much better, but still had difficulty levels of about 7-8…
  • BIG WEEKEND. Friday Cardio included a 2.5 mile run out on the road in front of my house and ballroom dance for two hours that night for a total burn of 900-something calories. Then got about 5 hours of sleep and was up at 6:15a.m. to leave for a snowboarding Saturday! 7 hours of snowboarding = 3000-some calorie burn. And…
  • Stayed away from the gym today. Didn't want to overdo it...and I'm pretty sure I already have. My body is sore and my head is woozy. CARDIO: Banged out a 3-mile run on our country road...in 33 degree cold! But it felt good, for what its worth. I'm still tired. FOOD: Well under, as always. Have no problems with that. Tried…
  • CARDIO: Elliptical Trainer 15 minutes 112 calories burned Running (jogging), 6 mph (10 min mile) 25 minutes 311 calories burned Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) 40 minutes 140 calories burned Pilates on the ball 10 minutes 34 calories burned Total Burn: 597 calories STRENGTH TRAINING: Standing Calf Press…
  • "Rest day" today. If you can call not enough sleep and working 8-hour shift restful....Started assessing the bruises, blisters and sore muscles the weekend left me to deal with...haha. But I'm thrilled to see and experience just how much my muscle stamina and overall fitness level has increased by leaps and bounds since I…
  • MAJOR NSV ALERT!!! Copies of my two most recent comments: Oh and WAY under my food goals for the past two days...HUGE burns, HUGE deficits...and a helluva lot of fun. What a way to ring in the new year's resolutions....Time to get back at it hard. Went to a party and only had sparkling grape juice [no alcohol!], a couple…
  • Oh man, that totally blows. I know what its like to have to work though....I'm making it happen this year...just been waiting on the snow to cooperate. It's been in the forties and fifties here, so the midwest resorts have been struggling, but we'll get it. SATURDAY: CARDIO: Ran outside on my road today in the 37 degree…
  • Ridiculous day today! Drove two and a half hours in a downpour to get to the mountain to snowboard....FANTASTIC DAY! The snow was sloppy but still doable. Logged in three actual hours of snowboarding in My Fitness Pal .... guesstimated it at 1900 calorie burn! Holy crap! Felt like i lost 5 pounds just sweating off the…
  • UPDATE: Reached my "mini-goal" of losing 3 pounds in 16 days [by christmas]. Weighed myself 12/23 at officially 154.5. A total loss of 21 pounds in 99 days, or 84 percent weight loss from original goal. Actually felt disappointed over not losing that last half pound to 154. Food: Overindulged at Christmas. Havve hung…
  • Big calorie deficit today. Ran out of time to eat much, but what I did manage was super healthy and low-cal. Gym Workout Total Burn - 467 calories CARDIO: Treadmill - 5.0 and 6.0 intervals - 20 minutes - 227 calories Stationary Bike - 17 minutes - 117 calories STRENGTH TRAINING - 35 minutes - 123 calories Standing Tricep…
  • FINALLY back in the gym today after sustaining a minor injury. I had little treadmill workouts but finally got back to the weights today. Lost a little bit of my weight lifting stamina, but I'll get it back in no time. Tomorrow I'm taking off, then hitting it hard Thursday and Friday before Christmas weigh in [Yikes, I…
  • Thanks a lot! All of your games look like so much fun. I was never athletically inclined before snowboarding, and even then always considered them an art. Haha. Keep it up, you're so close to your goal too. Amazing.
  • GREAT DAY TODAY!!!! First of all, I resisted the temptations during holiday cookie baking...No sampling of the goods. I will allow myself one [or two] on Christmas but that is it! Also, the family went to fast food today, and I resisted the urge and had low-cal soup and a salad for lunch and felt so much better about…
  • Ooo. Really? Ramen and Spam? You poor soul...
  • CARDIO: Treadmill - 15 minute - 6.0mph - 181 calories burned NEVER have run this fast sustained in my life....holy crow. I felt like I was gonna vomit after my fifteen minutes....I've never been a runner, I can see why!! I like doing five minute intervals of running and fast-paced walking for 30 minutes and get a better…
  • Only thing to report: Stepped on the scale to assess the damage from what I felt was an awful week of food and no gym...only to find out I lost two pounds in five days. I don't get it, but I stepped on the scale twice to prove it lol. Anyways..Still not happy, so back at it.
  • I seriously feel like a freak for not working out in a week, but I injured my pectorals last Tuesday and havent been pain free until today....Hittin' it tomorrow. I think I'm becoming an exercise addict...and I'm not ashamed of that one bit. I got more excited over the P90X arriving at work than any video game, book or…
  • TOTAL win....Keep it up...that's awesome.
  • CARDIO Running - 25 minutes - 5.5 mph - 234 calories burned. Food: Under 1200 calories for the day before exercise. ASSESSMENT: Hmmmmm.....
  • THANKS for the support! No gym today [Thursday] but I did weigh in this morning. 2 pounds lost over two weeksand I finally sucked it up and bought a new pair of jeans....two sizes smaller. A total loss including pre-mfp of 18 pounds. I think I'm happy for now :)
  • GREAT DAY TODAY! I'm super thrilled. CARDIO: Running - 5.5 mph - 25 minutes - 209 calories Moving boxes, stairs - boxes and boxes of christmas decorations! - 30 minutes [probably more] - MFP says 334 calories STRENGTH TRAINING - total of 45 minutes - 163 calories Standing Tricep Extension - 3x10x30 Preacher's Bicep Curl -…
  • I was so worried about losing my training after being out of the gym for a week thanks to being seriously ill. But I was able to up some of my weight limits and was totally in the zone today, which felt GREAT. I gave my body the rest it needed and it's rewarding me by doing what I ask of it now. Sometimes it pays to listen…
  • Thank you much :) I'm determined. Just had a professional makeup photo session and am excited to see the results. My body looks better than it has in so long...and I still have a ways to go. I'm gonna get there...I'm too addicted to exercise to not haha.
  • HOLA! I am back from the [almost] dead! Wow, it has been one of the roughest weeks EVER. Black Friday i worked 18 hours between two different jobs. I managed to put in an hour and a half at the gym on Monday, but needed serious medicine to get through the days in pain. Then I caught a nasty head cold and have been down…
  • WEDNESDAY: Got off work at 4pm and got to the gym by 4:26 and they closed at 5 p.m.! NO FAIR! Anyways, did the best I could today. Treadmill - 5.5 mph - 30 minutes - 307 calories burned FOOD: Under by 283 calories, which is good. ASSESSMENT: Made the most of the small amount of time I had and pushed for a huge burn…
  • MONDAY WORKOUT: Cardio: Running, 5.5 mph - 12 minutes - 141 calories burned Stationary bike, general (bicycling, cycling, biking) - 20 minutes - 132 calories burned Strength training: 35 total minutes - 127 calories burned Standing Calf Press 4x10x40 Seated Cable Row 4x10x45 Standing Tricep Extension 4x10x30 Abdominal…
  • MAJOR BOY FATIGUE. Still pushed through it, just had to switch to easier intervals than I've been running. Still have two more days of gym time before I can give my body a break. CARDIO - 62 total minutes, 405 total calories burned Treadmill - intervals of 5.5mph and 3.0mph in 5 minute intervals - 20 minutes total - 190…
  • Happy Tuesday. Posted another awesome burn though I could definitely feel the fatigue in my body today. Wasn't quite up to par, so we'll see how gym time tomorrow goes....and no lifting for me tomorrow. CARDIO: Treadmill - 5.5 mph sustained - 22 minutes - 225 calories burned Stationary Bike - 20 minutes - hill intervals -…
  • BACK AT THE GYM TODAY! Feels great, even though my legs are jello and I couldn't hardly lift my arms! Two weeks away and that's what I get! Time to recover before tomorrow's workout haha. Upped a lot of my sets or weights themselves, so happy about that. Looks like vacation and rest were good for my body to recharge!…