annamerrick Member


  • sounds like something I would do....hope your bruise is healing quickly! I tried 35 lbs on my last set of presses didn't work. :) I got the weight up to my chest and then tried to push them up, and they went NOWHERE. Guess I'll be on 30lbs a little longer......I really wish we had something in between!!!
    in Stage 3 Comment by annamerrick July 2012
  • LOL @ jnh and samntha....we could just start a group for women who need to vent about men not putting s*** and out of the gym. I could probably go on forever (I live with 3 of them...! :) )
    in Stage 3 Comment by annamerrick July 2012
  • Thanks! :) I just hold the weights down at my sides. I actually think it helps me with my balance....kind of weighs me down so I don't wobble too much.
    in Stage 3 Comment by annamerrick July 2012
  • The BWM is the devil! lol....I think all of your options are good, depending on how much time you have to spend. I think you'll improvements very quickly if you choose to decrease the number of reps. Great job increasing your weights!! :)
    in Stage 3 Comment by annamerrick July 2012
  • Oh, good.....I was hoping I wasn't the only one! The weights in my gym are ALL over the place too.....its SO frustrating! I really don't understand why its so hard to put something back in its place when you're done with I walked in and on one of the squat racks there was a barbell loaded with 10lb plates. I…
    in Stage 3 Comment by annamerrick July 2012
  • Did 1B today. Enjoyed the workout, but did anyone else find that they didn't really get their heartrate up like in the other workouts? I never really felt winded or anything, even though I felt I was doing adequate weights. Maybe because it is mostly upper body/back exercises? Did 95lbs on the Dead/Rows, 20lb DBs on the…
    in Stage 3 Comment by annamerrick July 2012
  • HELLO STAGE 3! Did 1A today and I have to admit that I kind of liked it (except for the BWM, of course, that is just pure evil!) Glad to see others' opinions on rest time. 105 seconds is just TOO long! I'm resting around 75 seconds but also going by my heart rate/breath.
    in Stage 3 Comment by annamerrick July 2012
  • Stage 2 Completed!! Workout B Final weights: Deadlifts from box: 135lbs, Split Squats: 45lb db held to chest, Underhand pulldowns: 100lbs, Reverse Lung/Reach: 20lb db each hand, Cuban Snatch: 10lb db each hand, SB Crunch 15 lb weight overhead, Reverse Crunch on incline, Hanna version 3, Prone Cobra 90 seconds. BRING ON…
    in Stage 2 Comment by annamerrick June 2012
  • Stage 2, 4A completed!! FSPP 65 - 75 lbs; Step-ups 25lb DB to 30lb DB each hand; 1pt Rows 20lb DB to 25lb DB each hand; Rear-elev Lunge 25lb DB to 30lb DB each hand; Push ups 10 on the ground (no change) Plank 90 sec (last set, otherwise 60); Woodchop 40 - 55 lbs Looking forward to 4B and then STAGE 3!!!
    in Stage 2 Comment by annamerrick June 2012
  • WOW!! Super jealous--enjoy your vacation!! I'll be caught back up to you for Stage 3!
    in Stage 2 Comment by annamerrick June 2012
  • Thanks for the advice Karen!!
    in Stage 2 Comment by annamerrick June 2012
  • tried to do Stage 2 Workout 1A this morning but it was a disaster!! I forgot to bring my lifting log with me to the gym and realized I didn't know all the exercises/orders, then after completing my warm up and the front squat/press, a childcare worker came and asked me to come get my 1 year old who apparently would not…
    in Stage 2 Comment by annamerrick June 2012
  • So I did 5A today. When I was getting the weights ready for my squats I accidentally looked at my B workout log (at the deadlifts, 105 lbs) instead of my A workout log (squats, 75 lbs) and I squatted 105 lbs 3x10 today! I figured it out after I was done with all three sets.... I was wondering why it felt SO incredibly…
    in Stage 1 Comment by annamerrick May 2012
  • Hi! I started last week as well and have completed 1a, 1b and 2a. I will be doing 2b tonight. After 1a I knew that I didn't do enough weight and that I could increase next time for sure. For 2a I increased everything at least 5-10 lbs. Here is my 1a to 2a comparison: Squats: 45 lb (bar only) ----> 65 lb (I struggled with…
  • Did 2A today and felt so good about it that I wanted to share! Squats: 65 lbs push-ups: 3rd peg from the bottom on Smith machine seated row: 50 lbs Step ups: 15 lb dumbells and step up to bench height jackknife: one set jackknife like they show in the book, one set jackknife pikes (ouch!!) I KNOW I am going to be sore…
  • I also started Monday--will send you a friend request! :)
  • I totally agree with this ^^ I don't think Stage 1 is about being perfect, its about learning form and what your body is capable of. Just keep improving every workout and you'll be great!
  • Thats really annoying about the deadlifts!! I watched a ton of videos on them and I'm still not sure if I'm doing them right. It just doesn't feel like a natural movement to me....maybe because I'm tall (5'11)....I am really focusing on keeping my back flat and not rounded. I am wondering if I'm doing something wrong with…
  • So, I completed my first B workout in Stage 1 tonight, and I have to say that I'm proud of myself for picking heavy weights! On workout A I went lighter than I initially thought I should. And the BEST part was that I increased my 2nd set of Deadlifts from 65 to 75, and as I started the second set, Elton John's song, "The…
  • Thanks! I was missing the quote brackets at beginning and end...
  • ps, I am still trying to figure out how to quote part of a reply...any tips? :)
  • [/quote] When the book says to do 15 reps on each leg in each set before switching to the ball for crunches, do you do 15 on one side, then 15 on the other? Or, do you alternate, and do 15 reps of one pair of lunges (one leading R and one leading L)? I did the alternating legs for both sets, so I still ended up doing 15 on…
  • firstnamekare: I don't know if your gym has this, but I did my pushups on a Smith machine--the one that is for squats, but the bar is attached to rails on each side and the bar slides up and down. I set the bar to about hip level, so it was probably about a 45 degree angle. I can move the bar down 3 more times to make it…
  • Hi! I just started today as well. I definitely went too light for the first time, so I look forward to adding weight next time. Its hard to change my mindset and push myself to go heavier, for fear of not completing the set. I suppose that will change with time....! On the jackknifes, I checked the book and confirmed that…
  • Thanks everyone for the recommendations! I'm almost through the book and can't wait to get started!
  • I just tried this recipe for chocolate mousse on â– 110 grams silken-firm tofu (such as Mori-Nu; about 1/3 of the package) **you can also use the light version â– 1/8 tsp vanilla extract â– 1 tablespoon dark cocoa powder (dutch-processed cocoa or Hershey’s special dark) *i used regular cocoa…
  • bump...can't wait to try this!
  • bump..look forward to trying these!
  • I always get a Grande Decaf Americano with about an inch of soy (cold, not steamed). The little bit of soy adds creaminess and flavor and its only 28 calories for the whole drink.....! :)