JonathanH67 Member


  • Dont get me wrong, I do love my wife quite a bit, we just approach things differently. I need to remind myself of that more and more. My body responds to less calorie intake, she is a fanatic about writing everything down, to me its a pain in the *kitten*, but it needs to be done, she isnt the villain here, its me. I…
  • I didnt want to do it because I am not taking on competing with a sore loser nor is she a gracious winner, it sucks all the fun out of the game, if she is miserable then she makes me miserable., and I dont need it, its just another stress added on to where there wasnt one. Ive been supportive and participating this entire…
  • Its not a question of how much I love her, I tell her every day. To me she is a marvel, but at the same time, she needs to know that she cannot control everything, it will drive people nuts. We have two beautiful girls and I still love chasing after my wife. She just needs to accept that I will not always do things her way…
  • @mrsandrews, my wife keeps hitting the snooze, I know she is up. I usually put the clock or cell phone out of reach of the bed so I have to get up, once Im up, I gotta go, then Im up. Keep at it. Like it has been said, you have to do this for you. @skcornett, my wife was the one that inspired me, I use to take care of…
  • @sfoust66, I hear ya, I just figured she knows me best so she would notice first and say something first. I dont want pity but I would like some encouragement. Congrats on wearing the pants. Most guys I know dont get too worried until their partner starts looking hot, invite him to a class if you go to one, or he can go to…
  • Thank you one and all. I just want to avoid any unnecessary fighting and stress. I have set goals, big and small, and I am getting there. Trust me, it's not that we dont love each other, she just cant see it from my side and if she did, she still has to make sure that she is the answer not part of the problem. She started…
  • I tell her as gently as possible that I am different. I am not fixated on numbers per se, but more my performance at boot camp and I know the inches are coming off because my front abs are alot more trim, even pants from two years ago are too big. Im on board with supporting and making sure we eat right, it just seems like…