Ev_Ah Member


  • this is a great idea especially for me I am very busy at work but I find if I am looking forward to a certain meal I eat better throughout so I could splurge a little.
  • I'm going through the same day I have even started going to the gym each morning before work which but if I don't go I feel bad and I need to get in the habit of not straying but not feeling bad. Honestly eating fried foods doesn't make me feel good anymore I actually feel sick..I've found that have a few french fries will…
  • Hey I am looking for support too!! I like using this tool but I tend to slack off but when I am on point I do see the difference and it really works! I need the help because my work schedule is a bit busy but my health should come first and I miss fitting into all my pretty close its heartbreaking so any positive support…