

  • I read this on the site: The number of calories you burn during one session of the 30 Day Shred will depend on a number of factors including your gender, body weight, exercise intensity level and lean muscle and body fat composition. According to, a 154-pound individual can burn 503 calories…
  • I just started Level 3 and ugh it is BRUTAL! I hate that duck walk and she is brutal again on the shoulders. I have to say I am in agreement with the majority that 30Shred is better but maybe it is because I am more use to it. I have to say that it is going to take me a lot of convincing to do this level 3 for an entire…
  • Just finally completed day 7 of level 2. Going away all the time interferes with my daily workout routine. What do other people do when they are away and have no access to DVD machines or workout rooms?
  • I just completed Day 5 of Level 2 today. I fell behind 2 days as I was not home. So I will do 2 more days at Level 2 and then begin Level #3. I have done #3 a few times so I remember it being tough on the quads, squat walk? Anyhow, I wanted to address the walking up the leg exercise. It is actually on the P90X workout for…
  • Someone suggested putting in cardio circuit for the exercise and it says 259 calories burned for 30 mins. I know the workout is really 20 minutes but to be truthful some of the warm up has my heart rate up before I even begin the sets. I think every HRM is different too so I am not totally convinced on their accuracy. I…
  • I just completed Day 2 of Ripped in 30 Level #2 and I am just as out of breath as ever. I really dread the first set of strength exercises, my shoulders really BURN! Plus it is also cardio! I detest the crow push ups. I always try to do the first set the best I can and then I do regular male push ups for the 2nd set. Does…
  • I do 30 day shred, level 2 & 3 alternating them. I have done Level #2 of Ripped in 30 a few times but I have not mastered Level 3. I find level 2 challenging enough. I find in level 2 she really works our shoulders with all the cardio in plank position and strength training too. The crow push ups are almost impossible, so…
  • I have been doing 30-day Shred since February and I love it even though it still kills me. I love it as it is 30 mins and then I am done for the day :-) I started out doing Level #1 for 7- days but I think the plan is to do it for 10, same for Level #2 and then to Level #3 to make it 30 days. If you feel you can get…