shanpgh Member


  • I ♥ Trader Joe's. That place really helps me stay on track without sacrificing flavor or paying a ton of money. Here are a few of my favorites. Quinoa Polenta Low Carb Whole Wheat Flatbread Naan Bread Frozen Edamame Frozen Fire Roasted Vegetables Frozen side dishes that are amazing just check the label, some aren't all…
  • I too have a major sugar addiction. I find that 25 calorie hot chocolate can be very satisfying. Also, sugar free jell-o can curb the craving, especially at lunch when you don't have much time. One other secret goodie (I'm a chocaholic) is a fake ice cream sandwich. Take 1 full chocolate graham cracker and break it in…
  • Baked Oatmeal 1-1/2 cups skim milk 2 eggs, beaten 2 Tbsp. butter, melted and cooled (I usually omit this which reduces the fat grams to around 4 grams per serving and calories to 260 per serving) 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. cinnamon 2-1/2 cups rolled oats 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 tsp. baking powder 1 cup fruit Preheat over to 350.…
  • Try this recipe (I use scotch tape instead of a staple). It's like having your own microwave popcorn but you can control the taste.
  • I was smiling while reading this because I've done the same thing. My solution is to keep only small amounts of chocolate in the house. I keep them in the freezer in the basement, that way I really have to really want it and work to get it. Keeping chocolate in the freezer helps it to last longer because it takes longer to…
  • I've found this site to be EXTREMELY helpful when calculating recipes. Its great when you are trying to make recipes healthier as well because you can put in whatever substitutes you choose and then you can see the difference. It does take a little bit of time, putting…
  • This is a great little snack mix. (sweet and salty, crunchy and chewy!) Also, you can make your own whole wheat pita chips with a little cinnamon and sugar or sea salt and cracked black pepper. Baked tortilla chips with…
  • Silken tofu is good mixed in a fruit smoothie for a protein boost. Also, Quinoa is a great source of protein. I used to add nuts and beans to a stir fry rice with vegetables. Chili with a variety of beans keeps things interesting. (Yes, garbanzo beans taste great in chili!) Finally, there are some pretty good meat…
  • Here is what works for me. I find that my binges happen when I want at least something to be good or make me feel good if I've had a rough patch. If the kids are driving me crazy or I have any other issues it seems like nothing is going right and at least those pretzel m&ms will make me happy because they taste good. Just…
  • I followed the ABS Power Diet for a while (Men's Health/Women's Health Magazine) and they recommend having one cheat meal a week where you "cheat like Jude Law at a nanny convention" so that you aren't depriving yourself of the foods that you crave. So, pick one night, be it Friday, Saturday or Sunday and go nuts but make…