

  • I just had ALL four of my wisdom tooth and a reg tooth pulled today. I haven't ate anything since yesterday:cry: and now I'm soo hungry I'm craving all sorts of weird things. I tried to eat ice-cream but I can''s to painful. I finally sent my husband to the store to get me a slim fast to curve my food cravings for the…
  • my mini goals are every 10 lbs down. For every mini goal I hit I am able to pick somethign that makes me feel good like getting my nails done..or buying that cute shirt I've been eying. I don't hit my mini-goals quickly so I am able to stash away 20 dollars here and there. But If I had to make a reward that costs no money…
  • my mini goals are every 10 lbs down. For every mini goal I hit I am able to pick somethign that makes me feel good like getting my nails done..or buying that cute shirt I've been eying. I don't hit my mini-goals quickly so I am able to stash away 20 dollars here and there. But If I had to make a reward that costs no money…
  • Sounds like your gaining muscle...which is heavier that fat. Just keep at it and you'll be amazed at the end results :flowerforyou:
  • This sounds GREAT!!! I'm just back to MFP and this will help me get my mindset right! 1. Walk everyday (7 days) for at least 30 minutes a day 2. During the week (7 days) plan out my meals BEFORE I eat them 3. Rinse and repeat :heart: