xenah Member


  • Check your food first. If you are taking in allot of carbs ie: Bread, cereals then this could be stopping you from dropping weight. it could be causing your body to hang on to the weight. Suggestion:: Review your food from the last few weeks. Look for a pattern and see if you are higher in one food category than others. In…
  • Dairy & Grains. Anything processed bloats my tummy. Have turned to coconut milk and roasting veggies, making interesting salads. We also have fish and eggs and all kinds of meat regularly. If you have an iphone, check out the paleo diet recipes app. There is definitely planning involved when changing from processed foods…
  • LMAO!!!! Awesome!
  • Can you reduce your sugar & grain intake? All breads turn into sugar as soon as they mix with the enzymes in your mouth. The more complex carbs you eat, you spike your sugar and when you crash, you eat more. My husband and I have been reducing and working towards eliminating sugar and grains from our diet. We have noticed…