teethgal Member


  • I was on here looking for some motivation to get started back on a weight loss adventure. This is just what I needed to see that I can do it. Thanks so much. You look great!
  • I use a magic bullet blender use the powder (chocolate is my favorite)with unsweetened almond milk I think it taste like a milkshake sometimes I use Ice sometimes fruit or yogurt I even throw in small handful of baby spinach you won't even taste it. Just keep changing it up and find the combonation that you like.
  • I have done the same thing fought like heck to lose weight only to gain it back. You can do it! As far as finding love you can find someone to love you for you but you have to be confident with who you are. Just because you are overweight doesn't me you shouldn't love yourself. If you don't love yourself how can anyone…