sean23 Member


  • Thanks again. I know it isn't binging or medical, she went to the doctor and had thyroid and everything checked. I will ask since she has had a problem going to the bathroom before. Hopefully the extra sodium from eating out three times last week and if she isn't going is maybe causing the weight gain. Could that add up to…
  • SH Boss, I want to make sure I understand what you are saying. Are you saying maybe she still has a calorie defecit and the working out is just causing her to retain water? If so should she up her calories and by how much. If I interpeted that wrong, could you please clarify. I am a fireman and sometimes don't pick up on…
  • Thanks for all the inquiries. She eats very healthy (salad, a lot of grilled chicken breast, fruits and vegetables, nothing fried), the only time we usually eat out is one or two meals on the weekend. Then, she doesn't eat too poorly. She started working out a little more the past few weeks. I was wondering if maybe the…
  • My wife had the same problem you are having. She recently lost 14 pounds in the past 3 months. She is still doing the same exact things and plan she just lost all the weight on and over the past 2 months has gained back 10 ot the pounds. She doesn't go over 1200 calories a day but still gained 2.5 pounds last week. We got…
  • Just an update. My wife has followed the same diet plan for the past three weeks that she lost weight on and has gained 5 pounds. Knowing that she didnt' eat enough to warrant all the weight gain, she went ahead and got her metabolism tested on a machine that shows amount of calories burned and figured her resting…
  • The test we are looking into is a metacheck that calibrates the air in the room for 2 minutes and calculates how much calories you are burning at rest. Its about $75. I am afraid it will tell us how much my wife is supposed to eat and she will do it and not lose weight, or gain like she has been doing. I guess if the test…
  • Thanks. She eats a lot of salad and greens. Maybe she isn't getting enough soluble fiber with the insoluble. Definitely something to look into.
  • Thanks for the advice. I will have to check her intake. She stays within the guidelines of WW but I am not sure how much that is. When you talk about prunes, do you mean prune juice, or just eat them?
  • Thank you everyone. We are going to just stick it out and add her exercise back in and see what happens. She won't give up. We're just not sure exactly the best thing to do. I would think by her staying in her points allowed and working out she shouldn't gain over the long haul.
  • Thank you. We aren't going to give up. Its hard to get her to try and eat all the extra calories when everytime she does the scale continues to go up. She would be happy to lose 1/2 pound a week if it continued to go in the right direction. Its hard to see the scale go up 2 or 3 pounds when she is eating as well as she is.…
  • Did all of you that did WW eat all of your extra 35 calories every week? If so or not did it seem like you lost more eating them or less. The reason is my wife really eats healthy and only dips into the extra calories when we eat out once or twice a week only. She was doing great on WW until after the holidays. She gained…
  • Just to update. We had to eat out twice this weekend and my wife has started eating her extra weekly calories, which she wasn't using much of before. She had previously gained 2 of the last 3 weeks and was expecting to gain a little since she bumped up her intake. Much to her surprise she weighed herself this morning…
  • Thanks for all the advice. She is going to try upping her weekly intake by eating most or all of her extra weekly points. I am sure she will probably gain at first since her body will have to adjust, but I am pretty sure its the right thing to do, and after all the reading I have done on the subject and all the good advice…
  • Thank you. The only time my wife eats her extra calories she's given is usually the one day we eat out on the weekend. And usually she probably doesn't use too many ot them. She has been very happy with WW, but is worried she is going to be stuck again like she was in the past. She is going to try eating the extra weekly…
  • Thanks for the advice. She has been going to the bathroom more regularly up until the last month or so. She is following everything she is supposed to and eating the same as she did to lose the weight. She doesn't have trouble being too hungry or anything. She gets extra points every week and usually only dips into them…
  • My wife is thinking of starting WW. How does the working out figure into it. She has been eating healthy and working out and has been stuck for two years. Is the amount of food you are eating a pretty small amount where if you work out a lot you will be going into too much of a defecit. About how many calories on an…
  • Thanks for all the advice!
  • Thanks everyone. I am just trying to understand why things happen so we can keep moving in the right direction. I guess we just need to know we are doing the right thing and trust things will keep improving.
  • Thank you for the responses. Its tough to maintain the 3500 calories I need to maintain my weight. I have entered in MFP my normal meals to track the sodium. I am going to find ways at least 2-3 days I can replace the bad meals with better ones. Also, I am going to try more of the potassium rich foods you mentioned. Wow.…
  • Hi. I am a 35 year old firefighter. I am very active. I work out a lot and I am on the go basically until I go to bed at night. I have a wife and two kids so I keep busy. I don't drink or smoke and get plenty of sleep. The last few years at our work physicals I have noticed my blood pressure going up. I don't know if it is…
  • Thanks to everyone that took their time to give advice. I appreciate it. She is a member here already. She has always been scared of adding more calories to her diet afraid she will gain more weight that she won't be able to lose. All the evidence points that she needs to eat more and maybe intensify her workouts. She…
  • Thank you for replying. She has had her thyroid tested and talked to a doctor. Also, she has been eating and exercising consistently all year. They had her do a low carb for a while. She lost 4 pounds right away and then it came back after a few weeks. I appreciate your time, I just want to know I've done all I can do to…
  • Hi. I am writing because I am totally at a loss and frustrated on why my wife cannot lose any weight. I am trying to research things and find out what I can do to help her. I really feel bad for her because she works her hardest doing the tough things to lose weight. She gets up and works out in the morning and at night…
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