

  • Hi Leonie Thanks for adding me. I have been stuck in Christmas mode since the end of Round 3 & am trying to snap myself out of it at the moment. I am hoping the encouragement to battle on will be good for me. One step in the right direction for me today was that a huge box of chocolates was placed in a shopping bag to go…
  • Hi Tracey Just dropping in to say hi & wondering how you are going. I always seem to be in a rush to get somewhere when I see you so was wondering if you wanted to make a regular catch up at the gym one day a week?? Any ideas? Cheers Grace How's the bike going?
  • I'm not going to the finale this time as I have recently been down to Sydney but I would like to go next round. Hope you are all enjoying the program as much as me! Anyone if interested can follow my time so far - gracem12wbt.blogspot.com Enjoy :happy:
  • Hi Megz, yes I think it is the best program that I have ever done & I have done a few over the years. I am also looking at signing up again for the next round & I'm just hoping that I don't loose it in the break over Christmas. I think the things that I like most is the fact that the program pushes you to look at yourself…
  • :smile: Hi All, I'm doing round 3 12wbt too. This is my first time & I would have to say that this is the best program that I have ever done..........& I've done a few over the years. I've lost 7.3kg so far this round, something that I haven't been able to achieve for years......so I am a huge fan. I use mfp everyday as I…