

  • I would say that if you like doing it, modify the activities so that you can do all of each level! If you hate it then I would move on and try something else. I started 30 shred last Monday, I really like the workout but on Sunday it started feeling like my back was going out. So I have stopped doing it, I tried it one…
  • I would also check and see if your gym offer a service to measure your body fat %. I am also scale obsessed, so about once a month I will check my body fat %. Even if I have not lost anything I will find that my body fat has gone down! Helps keep me motivated that at least I am losing my jiggle!
  • I agree that we all need a "free day" and mine is usually Saturdays too! The work out program I do actually encourages them once a week. I have found that I eat pretty good those days to...but I can have a beer or a cookie or a fat cheeseburger, but I think it really helps me stay on track the rest of the week cause I just…
  • I would like to hear what people have to say about this on to! I eat peanut butter once a day. I look for the one lowest in carbs and highest in protein. I think the best I have found was Peter Pan Natural? I also eat it on the 12 grain bread.
  • My name is Brandi! And I am stay at home mom of 3! 2 boys and 1 girl ages 12, 6 and 3. I have learned that it is ok to take time for me and get my workout in before my husband leaves for work in the morning! I workout at Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping, and have learned that I am a much better mother now that I get to go in…
  • My goal for the first week is 20 miles walking/jogging! I CAN do this!
  • I am so going to post a picture as soon as I find a suit! I can't believe my first post ever on this sight is gonna be me in a suit! Just thought about it, it will be my second! LOL
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