AimGal Member


  • Regardless of whether it works or not, you're essentially drinking (injecting, snorting, whatever) a pregnant woman's urine. Somehow that just grosses me out. You shouldn't have to drink pee to lose weight.
    in HCG diet? Comment by AimGal August 2011
  • I also have/had EDNOS. Formerly anorexic and bulimic (25 years ago!) and now just fat after a long term illness where I was on high doses of prednisone. It's been a lifelong struggle to get to a decent relationship with food. Like someone said above, I find that routines and planned meals help. Eating the same thing for…
  • Hi Cynthia, First CONGRATULATIONS on your transplant! I have a friend who's going to be having a kidney transplant shortly. That's not an easy process. I hear you on the prednisone. I call it "b*tch in a bottle." I have Lupus and Ankylosing Spondylitis with some lung complications, so I tend to go on and off the stuff. I…
  • I'm losing as well. I noticed yesterday that my pattern seems to be lose 5, gain 3, lose 7, gain 2, etc. In other words, it's up and down for me, but the overall trend is downward. I've lost 10 pounds in 8 weeks, which isn't bad at all. And I've gained a ton of muscle with my workouts, so my body shape has really changed.…
  • I'm a little taller than you - 5'2.5" - but my target is similar, 1280 cals. I work out 4 times a week so I can eat a little more on those days, and I have one day a week (either Friday or Saturday) where I eat whatever I want but still log it. Having a day off is a bit of a mental trick I play with myself. What's…
  • I have one of those (also a 38DD or DDD) but I layer it with another, slightly more structured Champion sports bra -- the black, thick one with two seams on the front. The seamless one alone doesn't hold things well enough, but layering the two together keeps it all from moving at all.
  • I wear my glasses all the time (can't wear contacts, not a candidate for Lasik, can't see 2 feet in front of me without them) I do a lot of cardio - mostly stationary bike and walking. I generally bring a towel and mop up as needed. It works fine for me, but I'm so used to wearing glasses all the time that I don't really…