

  • I appreciate all the feedback! Thanks to everyone! I hope I can find the right "diet" plan that works for me. I guess patience is a virtue!
  • I don't eat breakfast until after my work out, I'm never hungry in the morning, so my breakfast is after my workout. Usually a fruit smoothie (I add spinach and carrots sometimes depending on what else I'm putting in my shake) and I include a protein powder meal replacing mix. I do eat a lot of fruit, after reading your…
  • No, I just take the average calories burned (comparing the actual cardio machine at the gym to what MFP says) and then I take a number a little lower than that.
  • I just need a 24/7 coach that tells me what to do and eat all day every day.
  • I go to the gym 6 days per week, cardio and strength training.
  • I've only weighed myself twice since I've started, the scale it at the gym, I don't even own one. When I do weigh in, it's in the morning, before I begin my workout. Geez, I've got people telling me to eat more and other people telling me to eat less! ????
  • Also, I'm not sure how the macronutrients "work." MFP automatically set my goals at 50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20% protein. That I have a hard time following. It seems I eat way too many carbs. For the most part I've cut back a lot on the "bad" carbs (such as pasta and breads).
  • Maybe I don't understand fully how MFP works. So the 1200 calorie goal is already a deficit? Should I be eating back all of the calories I burn at the gym? I never sought out help when I had an ED as a teen, I realized what I was doing was unhealthy and would cause serious health problems if I continued, so I was able to…
  • The only thing I'm using to replace the missing cigarettes is water! :) Already feeling better since I have cut back.
  • My diary is open now. Also, (and I do NOT want to be beat up for this, kind words only please) I haven't been able to kick the habit of smoking completely yet. I have cut back from a pack a day to about a pack every 3-4 days. Could this have anything to do with the difficulties I'm having losing weight?
  • I am only 23, that's why I feel as though I really should have seen at least a small change by now!
  • Getting a scale for my food and weighing out every ounce is not something I can do. I had a problem with anorexia when I was a teenager, obsessing over numbers to that extend would not be healthy for me mentally. When I log, I overestimate my food and underestimate my exercise.
  • I am eating at a deficit, I usually don't eat back the calories I burned off at the gym. How do I open my diary?
  • Thank you, both of you. It just gets so frustrating. Maya, I eat an average of 1200 calories per day with more water that humanly possible! And Mags, I totally wish I could afford a personal trainer. I've had up and down weight my whole life, so I know the number really doesn't matter, but it is encouraging to see it going…