

  • I saw ads for The Diet Solution and reluctantly decided to give it a try. At first, I honestly felt the ads were a bit "cheesy." Once I listened to what Isabella has to say, the more I liked it. Some of the information was a bit difficult to absorb because frankly, it goes against most of the traditional nutritional advice…
  • I saw ads for The Diet Solution and reluctantly decided to give it a try. At first, I honestly felt the ads were a bit "cheesy." Once I listened to what Isabella has to say, the more I liked it. Some of the information was a bit difficult to absorb because frankly, it goes against most of the traditional nutritional advice…
  • I read all about it and purchased some to use instead of a recovery drink. IT WAS TERRIBLE! I am not a picky eater and even if it isn't great tasting I'll still eat/drink it. I also LOVE coconut! However, this stuff was disgusting and I'll never try it again. EEEeeeewwww. That's my ten cents on the issue.