Gemmap77 Member


  • Evening ladies, Lisa- I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Stay strong for yourself & for those around you that you care about. Every day will get easier. Hopefully he will get the help he needs, it sounds like he is really hurting. I had a tough weekend with no exercise and too many bad food choices. I didn't feel…
  • Renee, My csection was the horizontal kind, so I'm hoping to eventually get my ab strength back. I've just noticed this go around, having a ton of trouble losing anything around my middle. I've always had more weight in the hips/thighs, but since this csection, it's around my middle as well and not budging!! My 3 vag…
  • Hi everyone! I have had a really busy day, so I am just now finding time to write. My name is Gemma, I am 34 and I live in Chicago with my husband, 4 kids (ages 10, 8, 6 & 5months), a new 3mth old Boxer puppy and a cranky cat! I work from home as a freelance graphic designer (with the baby, which is very difficult most…
  • I just finished day 1! I'm really going to try to do all 30 days straight. I've been doing spin classes for about 3 weeks and thought I was getting back in shape...but those 20 minutes of Jillian kicked my butt!! Wow! Way to go everyone!
  • OMG mamakathy!!! I am in awe. 8 kids? How on earth do you do it? You are a super mom :smile:
  • Awesome, I'm so excited! I love the logo, can I also have instructions? I'm new to all of this. You you all know what I can do so I can easily find this group and the posts, and maybe even get messages on my phone's MFP app when someone posts a message within the group? I need to explore the site & see if I can also figure…
  • I would love to join too! I am new here and trying to find a group to help keep me motivated. I have a 5 mth old baby & 3 other kids, so daily motivation would be great! It's so easy to slip with the daily chaos. I have about 50 more lbs to go. My goal is to be at my goal weight by my baby's 1st birthday in March. I would…