

  • I feel your pain. Economically so many are making changes that wouldn't normally take place but the current trend now calls for change. I've gone to school and am over qualified with my BA. I am going back to school to pay off my previous debt for school, crazy, I know. I don't see another way around it and I have two…
  • Sure you will lose some. They are mostly fat tissue so it's to be expected. As you workout you will walk taller with more confidence, your abdominal wall will be leaner too. You won't have a shelf under your breasts so the line between your abs and breasts will be more defined. Also, walking taller with that added…
  • Welcome!:) I hope you find this site enjoyable. There are a lot of friendly people here with great advice. I'm proud of you for joining and taking control.
  • You can buy them at Walmart for real cheap and the DVD comes with it. :)
  • Hi there:) I'm glad you started this and proud of you!!! It is a hard but fun workout and I've researched the calories for myself and here you go. Kettlebell is reported at burning 20 calories per minute. I bought a 5lb kettlebell to start out with and it came with a DVD that lasts 45 minutes. That's 900 calories! Here's a…
  • Hey Ladybug, I feel your pain. I'm working on getting my body into shape constantly. Did I say constantly? Well, it sure feels like it. I told my husband yesterday, "Why can't all the temptations out there just disappear for a day?" I have good intentions too and finally decided not to make lists anymore. My lists were for…