

  • I throw black beans in the steamer when I'm cooking Quinoa. (Sometimes I also put in carrots, potatoes, and/or peppers). The initial "hot" bowl, I just put a little olive oil and spices. Then I stir it all together with some low fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing and portion it out into storage containers for a cold salad…
  • Welcome! This is a great tool. However, like all tools they are only useful when actually used. I understand exactly where you are coming from, I really do (I maxed out at 270), and the journey begins with the first steps (hurray you've taken them) but the journey is also long and arduous. You will stumble, no one is…
  • If you have access to a pool, you can do some non weight bearing exercises and long stretches in the water. If there is road rash, it might sting a little, but the chlorine also keeps the wounds clean. If you can do a few laps to loosen up the shoulders and keep moving, that might help a bit too. Just walking in the…