ok i'm trying to think of adjectives other than amazing, inspiring, etc. but truly, you are such an inspiration. you look soooooo awesome! unfrickin'believable! you ROCK!! take care
16 lbs is so awesome. please don't give up. that is great result and of course you know what they say "how long did it take you to gain the weight?"!! i know i hate hearing that when i want to lose 20 lbs in one month also! ha, ha. But it's true. you ROCK! thanks for inspiring me.
you look amazing! what an inspiration you are to us!!
Oh my goodness. You look amazing!!! Keep up the good work! How inspiring your story is. I'm a Zumba lover also!
Count me in! So glad to have seen this post.:bigsmile: July 12: 150.8 July 19: July 26: August 2: August 9: August 16: August 23: August 30: September 6: 135.0 Challenge: Add walking to lunch breaks 3x a week. i currently do 2x a week weights (Group Power classes) & 1 Zumba and 1 Spinning but i'm not seeing the results as…