

  • Here is week 13-Last one!!! do 5 days of cardio exercise this week do 50 of any other exercise daily (crunches, lunges, squats, jumping jacks etc. pick one that you like:) No sweets this week!! *remember to drink your water* Last weigh in will be Dec 23rd Good luck everyone! I really need to try harder this week...was a…
  • Way to go girls!!! I forgot to weigh in yesterday, I weighed this am and was pleasently suprised to see that I'm down 2lbs!! I didn't think I was going to see that much!! Still have 12 lbs to reach my goal for xmas though...oh well I'll hit it at some point in the new year I guess:) Have a great day ladies!!
  • Hey Ladies Here is the challenge for week 12(next week will be the last one!!) - 30 minutes of interval training 5 days this week -tricep extensions- 3 sets of 12 every other day -50 jumping jacks for the days in between Eat breakfast everyday, and remember to drink your water!! :) Have a Great week, and good luck tomorrow!
  • great job stormiel!!! That's fantastic:) Sorry gals for not being on here very much lately, It's hockey season, and I seem to be always at one rink or another...I'm glad I have people to keep me accountable though because it's so darn easy to eat greasy burgers and fries at the rink!! I've been talking healthy snacks, but…
  • well done tami!! I'm down 1 lb this week again....was hoping for more, but I won't complain!!:)
  • I'm going to start a new thread for'll find it under the motivation and support category
  • I ate horrible today!!!! For lunch I ate a pice of turtle brownie cake...supper I had taco salad & chicken wings...I must say though that it was good while I was eating it, but I feel pretty guilty about it now!! Oh well, tomorrow is a new day!:) Off to the rink to go skating with my girls, I'll have to do a few extra laps…
  • welcome to our group bublita!! Good Luck to you!
  • Weighed in at 175....down 1lb this week! Bring on a new week:)
  • Good Morning Ladies!! Here is the challenge for week 10: -Try to get at least 200 minutes of exercise this week -jump rope for 1 minute twice a day (you don't need an actual rope, just go through the motions) -drink 10-12 glasses of water everyday Happy thanksgiving to all my american friends!!! Good luck with weigh ins…
  • that's great that you've lost another pound! Slow & steady wins the race!:) Well that's what I have to keep telling myself:wink:
  • I didn't lose this week..but I didn't gain either:) Hopefully will see some results next Friday!! Have a great week ladies!! Congrats on your 2 lbs StormieL, that's awesome!!
  • Sorry, it's called fit for christmas challenge-november...under motivation and support:)
  • I'm going to start a new thread for November..I should have done it already but I forgot. This weeks challenge will be in the new thread
  • I still haven't figured that out yet...I guess everybody is different. I feel like when I eat back exercise cals, that I've just ruined what I worked soo hard to burn off. but in saying that, what I'm doing isn't really working for me anymore. I've been considering trying the zig-zagging. If you need to eat back some of…
  • 2 miles in today, 50 bicycle crunches...gotta say, they're not my favorite!!! I haven't been logging my exercise because when I see that I've earned extra cals it makes me want to overindulge. I'm just going to try to stick to the 1200 for this week and see what happens!
  • I am, back at 176lbs (didn't want to see that # again!!!) 3 miles in today, but I've been terrible with my eating and water intake. so hard to get back on track! At this rate I'll be back at 200 for xmas instead of at 160!!! I'm gonna step it up this week and see what I can do!! Good Luck girls!!
  • is this weeks challenge: aim for 14 miles this week..walk/run/bike/whatever you like do 50 bicycle crunches everyday (or as many as you can) try 1 day this week meat free (but remember to get your protien in) *let's do our measurements tomorrow as well, bust,thigh, waist & hips* I'm running out of ideas for the…
  • Hi Guys!!! I'm back:) Had an awesome vacation, but I weighed myself this morning on my own scales, and I weighed 176lbs!!! I was 170.8 on my mothers scale( but I think it must be 4lbs lighter than mine). So I guess I start again at 176 :( Time to get back at it and see how close I can come to my goal for christmas. Will…
  • Hi guys!!! Just checking in to see if you're all still here:) I'm having a great time home visiting with my family..maybe a little too great at times:) Haven't been logging my food or exercise, but I have been doing some exercise...will get back on track when I get home! Keep up the good work girls...looks like you're all…
  • Been an okay week so far, not getting in much for workouts...just walking the dogs & doing my crunches. Been so busy trying to get laundry done, house cleaned and ready to go! Leaving late tonight to catch an early morning flight. I'll be gone for 2.5 weeks, but I'll try to log in everyday, just to try to keep myself on…
  • I've done my 50 crunches for the past 3 days( and I must say that I DESPISE them!!) Didn't get any cardio in today, because I spent the best part of my day at the rink (oh season has started again!) And I went Wayyyy over on my sodium intake for today! I'll do better tomorrow:)
  • Amberness89- sorry to hear about your dog..I know how hard that is, I lost my beloved friend of 14 years a while back:(
  • Down 1 Lb this week....slowly creeping my way out of the 170's!! I think I need to eat a few more calories..the slimfast shakes didn't work this past week, although it was easy because I didn't have to think about breakfast or lunch:) Great job on the losses ladies!!! @Trillian- don't sweat it...looks like you've had a…
  • I'm not seeing much change either...I haven't tried zig-zaging, let us know how that goes. I think I need to cut out drinking too(after I come back from holidays:devil: )
  • [I did about 50% of the challenge (I know - "booooo!") - But I ate lots of veggies and really worked on tracking. I had to weigh in today because I will be out of town tomorrow. I lost 2 pounds this week! :) [/quote] 50% is better than 0%:) Great job on the loss!!!! I hope I can move my ticker tomorrow... Thanks so much…
  • Hey Ladies!! How did everyone do with this weeks challenge? I got all 700 jumping jacks done, and 14 miles in. Still not feeling overly good about weighing tomorrow:( Here is our next challenge.... WEEK 4 - workout 3-5 times this week...add on an extra 10 minutes to your usual workout time - do 50 crunches everyday this…
  • 500 jumping jacks done, 11 miles down..eating all my veggies everyday:smile: I need some help: I'm going on holidays next wednesday for 2.5 weeks...I'll still have access to internet, but I don't know how faithful I'll be! Anyone want to take care of the challenges until I get back? I'll be back home on Nov 8th. Send me a…
  • 9 miles done, 400 jumping jacks done! I over indulged with the alcohol saturday night...didn't even log it:embarassed: I always seem to find a way to sabotage myself!!!!! Great job so far ladies!!:flowerforyou: