

  • Been vegan for 18 years and vegetarian for 26, I think. I went veggie as a freshman in high school after listening to too many Smiths records! So, at first it was ethics, but later, as I learned more, it was also about health.
  • The stuff already mentioned is great. Also, seitan (vital wheat gluten "meat") has a TON of vegan protein. If you don't have gluten issues, it's a good thing to add in now and then to take a break from soy. Depending on how much protein you're aiming for, it's really not that hard to get enough from "normal" vegan foods,…
  • How do you guys track "starchy" vs. "non-starchy" carbs using MFP? It doesn't differentiate between types of carbs as far as I can tell, which is frustrating me at the moment!