keeltyc Member


  • People are right that the first thing you need is a doctor's diagnosis. I strongly suggest looking for a doctor who runs, they are usually more familiar with running-related injuries and less likely to prescribe "stop running forever" as a treatment. Second, you have to recognize that running, like any exercise, trains and…
  • Side stitches are an endurance problem - they come from Oxygen deprivation. Improving your cardiovascular health will make them stop. You sound like a pretty well-conditioned athlete already, so I kind of doubt that's your problem, unless you run at a much more aggressive pace than you bike or swim. I think two other…
  • I started the C25K in June of 2010. Before that, I honestly believed I was incapable of running - I had problems with shin splints, breathing, etc. But my girlfriend was really into distance running and it was important to me to be able to share her hobby. So I kept at it. For my first few runs, after 30 seconds of running…