

  • I am heading to Florence in just a few days and this has been worrying me endlessly since I am actively trying to lose weight! I actually got back from Spain about a month ago (all my study abroad is getting shoved into a semester/ summer) and that really took away some of that fear. I found out I had lost weight in Spain…
  • Hi :D I actually just got back from a short term program (Salamanca, Spain) that was for the month of June. I am also heading out to Italy at the end of this month for a semester long program in Florence, Italy. From what I have seen so far, it is definitely worth it! I am guessing that chances of getting in and…
  • I am definitely a Facebook/ Tumblr person! My facebook is Ariel Mathis My Tumblr is burnspoems.tumblr.com And I check them just about every ten minutes (yeah, I am, admittedly, a tad bit addicted :D)
  • I'm going to the University of Memphis and majoring in Chemistry (ugh!) and Psychology :D
  • Hi everyone :D My name is Ariel. I go to the University of Memphis and am a second semester Sophomore. I also dorm (in a building with no kitchen, only a microwave in each hall) which doesn't always bode well for the healthy eating or eating at all for that matter! I have been severely overweight for as long as I can…