

  • I sure do! I love food! I bought a Fitbit Zip so I can accurately track the calories I actually burn. I've lost 12 lbs since I bought it in January.
  • I am 5'4" and currently 166. I am recovering from a terrible disease called Cushing's Syndrome. I gained over 70 lbs with that disease and had a stillborn son. I have lots of extra skin that I have to have removed once I shed a little more weight. I have already lost 40 lbs. I went from 151 lbs-216 in 7 months. It was…
  • I'm fat because I got a deadly disease called Cushing's Syndrome that caused me to gain 70 extra lbs. Now that I am recovering, I've lost 36 of those, but will always have the damage from the disease...ARRRGHHH!!!!
  • My endocrinologist did the 24 hour dexamethasone suppression test and a 24 hour urine. My cortisol level was out of control...over 2000! No wonder I was so sick! My ACTH was 0. My pituitary wasn't even talking anymore. It only took 2 weeks to get the test results back. I also had a CT scan to confirm the adrenal tumor. I…
  • I am SO ready for Monday to be over. I woke up feeling OK, but my 4year old is a grouch. Started with a battle over asking him to pick up his toys. He had his checkup at the Dr. and got 4 shots and now has a fever. He's grouchy, I'm grouchy, and just want to be left alone. My joints and muscles ache badly today. (I am in…