

  • Thank you for all the replies, what I mean by I cannot pysically eat veg, pasts etc is a mental thing from my past, believe me I have tried to overcome it but I am pysically sick if i eat them. I know how silly it sounds but trust me, living it is worse. I do eat meat, chicken etc just not much with it apart from potatoes…
  • Can I just ask, does this apply to Soya Milk Light?? Or just other soya products?
  • :happy: Wow, congratulations hun, keep up the great work, you know you CAN do it!!!
  • I'd like to join this challenge if you'll have me:wink:I am trying to lose 20lb by 4th July and 39 in total so here goes! My weigh day is a Monday so will post back then, motivation is my excuse, I lack it! :blushing: SW: 179lb GW: 140lb
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