rdtraci Member


  • If you are working out, it is quite possible that you are building muscle. This is a good thing because it will make your body more efficient at burning fat! Instead of checking the scale this week, focus on how clothes are fitting and how you are feeling with your health. Those things are most important!
  • I felt like a total spaz and so uncoordinated at first! That's normal. Just go at your speed and it will get easier! I lost 4% body fat by doing the program. Now i am doing p90x3 since its another 30 minute program :)
  • Sounds like you need a workout that you will enjoy and look forward too. Work gets stressful and you don't need more "work" when you get home. I found that I enjoy cardio workouts that are kinda like dance. A few of my favorites are Hip Hop Abs and Turbo Fire. It's worth checking out!
  • Have you tried at home workouts like Insanity or T25? I like working out by myself too and at home, and these have given me great results. It's an idea for you anyway :)