Emdog24 Member


  • I like to add craisins to my yogurt. But the one thing I always had, especially if I'm just eating it plain, is some kind of sweetener like Splenda or Equal. Greek yogurt is great because it's a lot creamier than regular yogurt, but it does lack the sweetness.
  • That's really awesome! The hardest thing for me is always social functions that center around food. I hope the next time I have to face one I will have the diligence you have to get through it!
  • Thanks for the link! And p.s. - 109 lb lost ??!! You are amazing!
  • I have the same issue with the midsection ( I have dubbed it "the final frontier") but I found that stepping up my cardio really slimmed my hips and thighs. In the past few months I've gone from about a 6.5 mph pace on the treadmill to an 8 mph pace for 30 minutes. Sometimes just good ol' fashioned running does the trick!…
  • I started living a healthier lifestyle almost exactyy 1 year ago (February 10 is my "anniversary"). At that time, I weighed 185 - this morning my scale said 128. Feels really good to write that. Thanks for starting this topic Kimber507!
  • Sorry! Below are the calories for the way I made it - obviously depending on the size of the banana, the amount of almonds and the type of soy milk you use, you would find some differing calorie amounts Medium banana - 105 cals Soy slender vanilla soy milk (1/2 cup) - 35 cal Almonds (6 almonds or 1/4 oz chopped) - 40 call…
  • So I am using a previous post I saw from a fellow MFP member last week on a frozen banana treat to come up with my own. I took one frozen banana and cut it up into slices. I sprinkled them with some splenda and a little bit of cinnamon and added a few almond slivers and poured half a cup of vanilla soymilk over it all.…
  • Just made this for dinner and it was delicious! I would suggest using a whole cup of zucchini per serving and you can use Pam spray if you want to avoid the olive oil. Depending on what tortilla you use (I used a 90 calorie La Tortilla), you can get a filling meal for under 300 calories! The recipe below is from…
  • Sweet Potatoes with Warm Black Bean Salad Makes 4 servings Ingredients 4 medium sweet potatoes 1 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed 2 medium tomatoes, diced 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground coriander 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro…
  • I find the 100 cal packs at Stop and Shop (don't know if there's one near you) but when they're out of the packs, I'll just buy a big bag of craisins and just measure out servings and put them in plastic baggies to take to work. I find that keeping a big bag of anything is never a good idea for me so I have to portion…
  • I make sure to keep my desk at work stocked with snacks and I generally do not go more than 3 hours without eating something so that when I do get home and have dinner, I'm not starving. Some of my favorite snacks are yogurt, packs of sliced apples (which I usually dip in vanilla yogurt..yum), tuna fish packets or the…
  • I just want to apologize to my body for binging last night. I had been doing pretty well as far as "holiday eating" went until last night and then I just went and ate everything in sight before going to bed last night. I promise to get back on track right now and I will NOT dwell on this and feel guilty all day - instead I…