

  • Two days of no morning sickness!! I even got in a good workout today. Crossing my fingers that I am done with the nausea! Anybody else feeling better nearing the 2T?
  • Name: Dana Hubby/Partner: Andy How many kids do you have: This will be our third. DS is 3 and DD is 21months Due Date: August 18th, 2012 Do you know the gender: No Have you picked out the baby's name: Not even one clue! Where do you live: Canada Workouts you are doing while pregnant: spinning, weight class, cardio at the…
  • Hi everyone! I'm Dana and I am pregnant with a surprise baby #3. I only found out about two weeks ago and I am due August 18th. I have been pretty active in the last few months with the gym and working on getting my body back after having baby 1 and 2. My DS is 3 and my daughter is 21 months. I have promised myself I will…
  • Lindsay Brin is offering 4 free workout downloads this month. I have done some of her Boot Camp, Shed 5 Fast and CMJ and they are all good and not too difficult. I did the HIIT download last night and I am so sore, it is more intense than a lot of her other videos. Just thought I'd pass it along to other Moms into Fitness…