

  • Honestly, I really believe most normal people at the gym have this insecurity as well. Therefore we are too busy worrying what we look like to others to even notice the other people! Which ultimately results in no one noticing us, either!! I am unsure how I got over this. I was even worried about sweating at the gym. Now I…
  • I LOVE my FitBit, too. I wear it on my bra, and do not have the problem of counting steps in the car or on the bumpy shuttle ride to and from work (even when I have to stand), I get excited when I see my little flower grow, saying that I am highly active (or not). It is motivational. I usually delete my interface calories…
  • Wow. Lots of judgemental people on here. I always say "sooner or later, you play all the roles". Or a family member will. We are all here to support one another, no? I did lose 80# on my own and got stuck and fluctuated within a 20# range. After years of consideration I began to honeslty persue the band option. I had…
  • I had the lap band one month ago tomorrow. I have struggled with weight issues my whole life, like so many of us. I have entertained the idea for close to a decade. My spiritual advisor (for lack of a better term) suggested at one point to address my addictive tendencies before I take such a step, where I would have the…