

  • feel free to add me as well. I have two girls ages 9 and almost 2 and I also have a 12 year old that I gave up for adoption when I was 20. I would be extatic to even get down to the weight I was before I got pregnant with my 9 year old and it's been quite a struggle. This is the first time that I'm actually logging my…
  • I have a pedometer that you can set your weight and stride length and it tells me how many steps, miles and calories I've burned. At the end of the day I put in however many minutes of walking add up to the calories.
  • You guys are all awesome!! I LOVE MFP!! The support system on here is just amazing!
  • My old weakness was sweets for that week...and I mean full on sugar high, candy binge. Since I still have that sweet craving at that time I started keeping 100 calorie packs in my desk at work because that's where I was the worst. That little bag of Keebler chocolate chip cookies doesn't look like much but it usually…
  • Party Rock Anthym - LMFAO; S&M - Rhianna; If We Ever Meet Again - Timbaland ft Katy Perry; Like A G6 - Far East Movement; Born This Way - Lady Gaga....those are just a few that get me moving. I try to find songs with a real upbeat tempo...hope this helps some. :)