

  • @dfwtxmissy and @Deb_Sully Thanks for motivation. I started walking with an app coach i heard from another MFP peer. It is called C25K, coach to 5 Kms, but instead of buying it, i downloaded a free sample among a bunch of apps this type on the market, and once you get the idea, you ca do it by yourself. Now i am…
  • @cowboydan43 How do i add the exercise info.? I mean, the amount of calories burned, etc. Thank you!
  • @surfrgrl1 Thanks for the advise on reaching to friends at MFP, really works! BTW, i tried surfing first time last month, and that is a serious sport. I payed for a full day lesson and board rental, and i didn't pass 2 hours, i was exhausted! Hopefully i can try it one more time when in better shape.
  • @ Shannon_Stallone Thanks for advise. I think i will stick w/ the protein shake for a bit. i found myself checking how many calories i have left, and when hungry and at the gym, i think I am going to burn 100 more cal to be able to eat a bit more, LOL Thanks again!
  • @Krystonite Never tried Peanut butter and Celery, hmmm Does it taste good?
  • @StarFuryZ Believe me, those popsicles are great. I tried the edy;s no sugar added, they are like 25 cal e/o, but then i eat 5!!
  • @Deja_blu You might be right in that dinner time being too early, i will try having a late dinner, and see how it goes Thanks
  • @dopeitUp I am actually very busy studying at night over 10h, but staying awake until way late makes me hungry. I tried the protein shake last night, and it worked. Let's see how it works in the ext few days. Thanks again for advise