heatherzitterkopf Member


  • I love eating low carb! I consume around 1300 calories a day and try to work out three times a week. I am loosing weight consistantly and have a lot of energy and feel great. I especially feel better with cutting wheat out of my diet. A good book to read is The Wheat Belly. :smile:
  • I use a mcdonalds water cup which is 32 ounces and drink one and a half by noon and another one and a half by 7:00pm and viola...96oz! It helps me eat less too!
  • Try Cutting out flour and sugar, and anything that is processed. I know that its hard to give up those yummy foods but your taste buds will adjust.Consistency is key Remeber that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels! You might also want to check out a diet called "cheat your way thin". It works really well. Good luck!