

  • I am looking for the same lol I don't know how to add people yet... Im kinda of a noob to doing this blogging/community stuff. I am now doing Krav Maga// MMA conditioning classes. I have a background in kung fu and muay thai for about 2 years. I love martial arts- It is my life :)
  • I love fage %0 heres what I do to make it tasted so good! serving size of yogurt handful of fresh strawberries Drizzle organic honey few almonds chopped up and sprinkle a little stevia for a little extra sweetness verry nom nom :)
  • It sounds like to me your husband is a control freak. He is uncomfortable with the idea that you are going to reach your goals and he is worried that he is gonna lose you to someone whom actually supports you. Negitive people will always try to bring you down. I have watched my mother go through very similar situation as…