

  • RESULTS OF THE EXAM... I failed it. =( I missed my time by 17 seconds, BUT I get a retake on the 19th...Hopefully I can make up my tim e and that its dry out there this time. =( Slipped and slid all across that stupid fence! ugh!
  • Well, I went for my Physical Fitness Test (PT) and they rescheduled on me! OMG! Well, that just gives me even more time to train and get ready. Today I went out to an obstacle course and worked out with my boo (he is SOOOOOO supportive through all of this) and I overcame a LOT of my worries. Hopefully it will be warm and…
  • Great Job!!!!! Keep it up!
  • reply to everyone that wished me well...etc...THANK YOU! I would send individual messages, but it'd take too long. lol I will DEFINITELY be informing you all of results, so please expect them on tuesday, wednesday at the latest (unless i get really busy). I have been going to the gym twice a day (a grand total of…
  • Thank you hun! And I accepted ur friend's request as well! =)
  • Thank you! I can use all the encouraging and positivity that I can get! =)
  • This sounds fun! I may have to get my friend's copy of the game while she's not using it. lol