

  • I was feeling sort of ranty when I wrote the original post--it is sort of excessive. Since the 'edit' button has gone away since posting(?!), here is a shorter, less painful version: I am a 5'2", 22-year-old woman and generally weigh between 52.5 and 54 kg. Dismayed to see I was up to 56.6 at the beginning of this month, I…
  • "im 135lbs, getting down to 112 somebody motivate meeeeeeeeeeee! Im a chocoholic! bdsjxcnm :)X" I, too, lurve me some chocolate. Everyone's tastes are different of course, but have you tried bars/chocolates with a higher (i.e., >70%) cacao content? I find that the darker the chocolate is, the less I want to eat before I'm…
  • So glad I found this thread--thank you janeite1990 for bumping it! I'm 156 cm (5'1.5") and, assuming the five-pounds-in-three-days gain I just experienced was due to my @$%$ing period, have been stuck at 54-odd kg (~119 lbs) for months now, with occasional dips to 115-114 that never seem to last. I actually don't much care…