

  • I found that it was hard to exercise after quitting, when I quit a few years ago for 3 months. I haven't tried since because I'm afraid the same thing is going to happen again and I want to exercise and be able to breathe. My husband and I are going to try to quit this week, so hopefully everything goes ok this time…
  • Welcome Lisa! Keep in mind that fruits and vegetables have carbs in them too. When you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, it adds up fast. I hope this was helpful. Also, you can adjust it to what you see fit for yourself, the number they gave you is just their recommendation. Good luck on your journey!
  • I'm sorry, i misspoke. I meant a combination of more complex carbs and protein would help.
  • Sometimes it's not the number of calories you consume, it's the origin of the calories. Shakiness and weakness could be a sign of low blood sugar. Try consuming more complex carbs, i.e. proteins. You can also try having a small snack before intense workouts, this may help, too. Good luck on the rest of your journey!