

  • This is a great challenge! I'm in! This should be interesting since my oven is broke right now. I'll just have to be creative! Stovetop, microwave, toaster oven, grill....
  • 6 inch Turkey on the Italian Herbs and Cheese with Provolone, lettuce, tomato, green pepper, salt/pepper, and honey mustard. Yes, I CAN put salt on my food, I have low blood pressure and low sodium! Probably why I crave salt sometimes :)
  • I go by what my elliptical says. I can burn 35 calories in 5 mins or I can burn 65 calories in 5 mins. It depends on the setting and how hard you are working. If I only have a few minutes, I go as fast as I can to burn as many calories as possible. If I plan on being on the elliptical a while, I keep a steady pace.
  • I love sugar free jello. You can eat tons! It always satisfies me especially when I want something sweet! I make my own rather than buying it premade. I pour it into storage bowls with lids, and take it to work.
  • Thanks for the welcome, Dasha! I always have to start off slowly! I've lost 40 lbs twice before, once before my son was born, once after, and now I need to do it again! Will I ever learn? Starting slowly is really the key. I always compared my weight loss to a train starting up. The first time I lost 40 pounds, it took…
  • Thanks for the welcome and good advice, BrenNew! When I was 40 lbs less I always watched everything I ate and rarely splurged on sweets.. Now I crave sweets all the time. I know that if i can stay away from them for long enough, the cravings will subside and I will start craving healthy foods again. Looking forward to…