

  • Not normal - Think the best approach would be to first make some time just for the two of you - leave the kids with someone you trust and take a few days (week end?) alone- not at home- and first let him sleep so you are both well rested do something fun and relaxing - tell him you miss him, miss the fun you used to have,…
  • I do either one of the these three depending on how I've been doing calorie-wise: 1) increase exercise to make "room" for the calories or 2) if that's the only meal in a while where I've gone over, I just enjoy it and go back to my normal eating afterwards 3) eat a huge salad with little dressing (few calories lots of…
  • True The next persone is a violinist
  • LOL I thought the same thing- 80 years old? But I think he meant "want to do yoga at 80, like I do (want to be able to do it when I'm 80).. NOT like I'm doing at 80...