Hello Love! I was diagnosed with Graves Disease induced Hyperthyroidism in June. The most important thing I've learned from research and reading forums is that everyone reacts to the hyperthyroidism and the treatment differently. For me personally, it's been hard. My weight has been very stable my whole life (130 lb,…
Have you had any luck? I'm in a similar situation, but I've only been on the anti thyroid meds for three months.
Hey therocketship! I'm undergoing RAI treatment so I won't have a metabolism until I can start taking the right medication. If you're willing to be patient with me I'd be glad to be your buddy on here! I've been looking for some one to check in with online and sort of be anonymously accountable to. What do you think?…
All things are hard before they become easy right? I'm all the way at the beginning of the thyroid correcting process. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease induced hyperthyroidism recently and had to go on the thyroid killing medications immediately to give my heart a break from the hormones. The heart damage brought my…